Binary Translator - Convert Binary to Text

The binary translator is designed to convert the binary numbers into text, ASCII, or English. It works as an online binary decoder.

How to Use the Binary Translator?

  1. Firstly, enter the binary code. For that, you can use the 'Open File' or 'Open Binary File' to upload the file. Also, you can drag and drop your file in the input box. In addition, you can manually paste or write code in input area.
  2. Now select the Character Encoding from the dropdown. By default, it is set to ASCII/UTF-8. But you can change it if needed.
  3. Press the 'Translate' button to get the binary to text conversion as an output.
  4. Lastly, you can copy or save the final result.

What is Binary?

Binary is kind of a language that consists of only two things: '0' and '1'. It's used in computers for reading and writing billions of instructions.

  • 0 refers to OFF state or Low Signal.
  • 1 refers to ON state or High Signal.

Here is an example of binary code:

01010111 01100101 01101100 01100011 01101111 01101101 01100101 00100000 01000110 01110010 01101001 01100101 01101110 01100100 01110011

It's hard to figure out it without using a binary decoder. So, when you place the code in a binary translator, it shows the text result: "Welcome Friends".

The manual translation from binary to text is complex for normal people. Because we need to remember so many things in our mind to convert it into English. Therefore, we have developed this Binary Translator to save time and effort. It can easily converts the binary input into ASCII or text.

How to Convert Binary to Text?

There are two methods. Let's understand both with examples.

1. Using ASCII Table

It's the most common and easiest method that we all prefer. In this method, we need to use the ASCII table.

What is the ASCII Table?

Answer: ASCII stands for "American Standard Code for Information Interchange". So, the ASCII table is a collection of data that are in the form of Decimal, Hexadecimal, Binary, HTML, and Characters. You can find all the mentioned conversion data from this table.

We will need only Decimal and Binary terms from this table. Let's understand how we can use these terms and apply them to our method.

For easy understanding, we have divided the conversion process into four simple steps.

  1. Seperate binary string into 8-bit.
  2. Binary to decimal conversion.
  3. Find character using decimal code from ASCII table.
  4. Continue with next binary string.

Let's take an example.


Convert "0100100001101001" to text.

1. Seperate Binary String into 8-bit

As you can see there are two sets of binary codes in the above string.

Firstly, we will separate it into eight bits or digits. In addition, 8-bits or digits represent one letter in binary. You can skip this step if you are converting only 1 byte or one set of binary code(i.e. 10001001).

Seperate Binary String

After seperation, we have two binary codes "01001000" and "01101001".

Now let's figure out 01001000 first.

2. Convert Binary to Decimal

To convert binary code into a decimal, we need to use the power of two. To make it easy, let's write the binary figure on board and assign power of 2 to each digit. It starts at 20 to 27.

Convert Binary to Decimal

Now, wherever we encounter 1 we take that number as the power of two and sum up the results. In this case, we encounter 1 at 3 and 6.

Hence, 26 + 23 = 64 + 8 = 72.

72 is the decimal equivalent of 01001000.

3. Find Character from ASCII Table

Now, look for 72 in the ASCII table. You will find the ASCII value of 72 is H. Therefore, 01001000 is actually H.

4. Contunue with Next String

Our next string is 01101001. Its conversion will look like this:

Contunue with Next String

Now we will check the character value of 105 in the ASCII table. As you can see below we get "i".


Lastly, join both the output letters and text result = "Hi".

The same process is applied for long binary codes. This is the first conversion method that you can use to convert binary into English.

2. Using English Alphabets

In the second method, the starting process is the same as method 1. But here we will use the English Alphabets instead of the ASCII table.

There are only 26 letters in the English Alphabet. Also, it can be in Uppercase and Lowercase letters.

So, how we will indicate the binary code letter is in Uppercase or Lowercase?

It's very simple. We can easily identify it from the first three digits of binary code.

  • 010 - Uppercase
  • 011 - Lowercase

So, if the first three digits are 010 then it's an uppercase letter and similarly, if it is 011 then it's lowercase.

Let's take a simple example to get more ideas.


Convert "01001010 01110000" to English.

Let's start with "01001010".

First of all, we will convert it into decimal. Most importantly, ignore the first three letters from the binary code when doing the translation.

convert to decimal

As a result, we get decimal number 10.

Now we will list all the English letters and numbering them. Like A-1, B-2, C-3, and so on...

Get English Letter

As you can see above, the 10th letter is "J". So, 01001010 is the English letter "J".

Similarly, we will get "p" when we figure out the second string which is "01110000". Together first and second letter it is "Jp".

Binary Translator

Hope you understand both methods properly now. Both are simple and relevant. But it becomes very complex when the code is very long. At that time we recommend you use our binary translator instead of doing the hard work. It will give you the text results in just a few keystrokes. Also, try the text to speech conversion tool to convert your entered text into human voice.